Monday, May 23, 2011

Ikan patin / pangasius

Pangasius is a genus of catfishes (orderSiluriformes) of the shark catfish family(Pangasiidae).

Location : Jenderam Hilir, Selangor

the fish are to heavyyyyyyy!!!!!

Ikan Haruan - snake head fish

he snakehead murrelChanna striata, is a species of snakehead fish. It is also known as the common snakeheadchevron snakeheadstriped snakehead and aruan orharuan, and has also been classified under thebinomial names Ophiocephalus striatus Bloch and Ophiocephalus vagus Peters

i and iman went fishing at a small river in Sekinchan, Selangor, near paddy field.
we use frog as a bait, casting style and in 10 minutes casting only. best!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Terminology of Boat Technology .... Constantly changing methods and materials can contribute to increased confusion...

Space-age composites, new construction techniques, and design improvements all contribute to better boats and boating experiences. But constantly changing methods and materials also contribute to increased confusion on the part of the buying public. Here are some of the latest definitions as well as some of the tried-and-true standbys you're likely to encounter to help you navigate as you consider, shop and/or buy.


AMTICO: A vinyl product that simulates wood and stone, and is used as flooring. It has become extremely popular on even the most expensive yachts, is easy to maintain and repair, and is remarkably durable.

BIAXIAL CLOTH: Fiberglass cloth made from fibers woven in two directions.

CARBON FIBER: A lightweight, black fiber used in place of or in addition to fiberglass for an increased strength-to-weight ratio; also known as graphite.

COLD MOLDED: A boatbuilding process that uses strips of wood attached to the hull in alternating directions and saturated with resin or epoxy to make a strong, lightweight laminated hull.

COMPOSITE: A composite is any natural or synthetic material, other than fiberglass or resin, that is sandwiched into a laminate. Common composites used in today's boats include closed-cell foam, paper, balsa, marine plywood and aluminum.
EPOXY RESIN: The most expensive and best-performing resin when it comes to durability, adhesiveness and water resistance.

FRAME BOAT: The style of vessel that has been built since the time of the Phoenicians. A skeletal frame is built, then the hull is built from the keel up, and the outer hull and fiberglass are  applied as the last step.
FRP: Fiberglass-reinforced plastic, the final laminate produced when fiberglass is mixed with resins and the combination hardens.

GRAPHITE: A mineral-based fiber, also called carbon fiber, and related to coal — lightweight and strong.

JIG BUILT: A fiberglass or cold-molded boat built on a framework from the inside out, with the gelcoat (or paint) applied as the final step.
MOLDED BOAT: A boat built from the outside in, inside a mold with the gelcoat going into the mold first.

POLYESTER RESIN: A synthetic, thermosetting resin with good water-impermeability properties. It represents the least expensive and most widely used resin in boat building.

RESIN INFUSION (Vacuum Bagging): A construction method that involves laying all the dry laminate ingredients into the mold, covering it with plastic, and then sucking the resin through the materials with a vacuum. This adds a very controlled amount of resin and leaves no air voids in the laminate. It's also "greener," as the enclosed molding process doesn't give off as many ­volatile organic compounds.

TRIAXIAL CLOTH: Fiberglass cloth made of fibers woven in three directions for increased strength on several biases.

VINYLESTER RESIN: Similar to ­polyester, vinylester is more expensive and more resistant to water penetration.


DEADRISE: The angle of the V of a hull's bottom measured from a flat plane. The marine industry measures deadrise at the transom for a convenient comparison.

DRAFT: A vessel's depth (including props, shafts and struts or outboard lower unit) below the water's surface. "Draft" is a noun, not a verb. A boat draws three feet; it doesn't draft three feet.

LOA: Readers specifically asked about this one. And no, I have no answer as to why boatbuilders list models differently than the actual length. LOA means the true length over all, including any overhangs like a bow pulpit or a transom swim platform or bracket. The actual length of a boat without any overhangs is called length on deck (LOD).

NMMA OR CE CERTIFICATION: The National Marine Manufacturers Association has a very stringent set of guidelines boatbuilders must meet to qualify their hulls for NMMA Certification. Those guidelines are based closely on the American Boat and Yacht Council specifications. When a builder requests NMMA certification for a new model, inspectors go over it with a fine-tooth comb to ensure it has been built with strict adherence to those specs. CE refers to the same type of rigorous adherence to boatbuilding requirements set by the European Union. The CE label certifies that a product has met consumer safety, health or environmental requirements. CE actually stands for conformitĂ© europĂ©enne.

WEIGHT (DISPLACEMENT): Dry weight means the weight of a vessel with no fuel or equipment. When calculating trailering weight, don't forget to add all your gear, fuel and water.


CATHODIC PROTECTION: A means of preserving certain metals against erosion from electrolysis by attaching sacrificial metals more susceptible to electrolysis.

PROPELLER CAVITATION: Extreme diversity between pressure on the front and back sides of a propeller blade causes the water to actually vaporize (boil), which can cause loss of ­efficiency and damage the propeller.

PROPELLER CUP: The curved lip on the trailing edge of a propeller blade that reduces slippage and ventilation, and improves hole shots.

PROPELLER DIAMETER: The distance from the center of the hub to the extreme tip of the blade times two. On a list of prop specifications, this is always the first number.

PROPELLER PITCH: This theoretical number is a movable feast. It refers to how far forward the propeller should move in a single revolution. Pitch is inexact, however, because slippage is always present in varying degrees. Pitch is always the second number listed in propeller specifications.

PROPELLER RAKE: The angle at which propeller blades slant forward or ­backward compared to the hub.

PROPELLER SLIPPAGE: Slippage is where the real world meets theory. This number represents the difference between theoretical pitch and how far the propeller actually moves through the water in a single revolution. Experts agree that the right propeller for a given vessel should move through the water at approximately 80 percent to 90 percent of the pitch.

PROPELLER VENTILATION: Often confused with cavitation, ventilation occurs when air or exhaust surround the propeller blades in a turn or when the vessel is incorrectly trimmed. Ventilation causes over-revving and loss of boat speed and efficiency.

ZERO-EMISSION GENERATOR: A ­gasoline generator that emits 99 percent less carbon monoxide.

Back to Spool Spinning-reel spools combine old and new technologies

Back to Spool
Spinning-reel spools combine old and new technologies

A football team's offensive tackle gets little ­attention when he does his job well, but if he allows a sack or stalls an important drive with a holding penalty, everyone remembers his name. Similarly, the spool on a spinning reel goes unnoticed unless it becomes mired in tangles and stalls your fishing. The spool does much more than simply store line; its design affects casting performance and ­influences drag function.

Casting Call

Spools come in many shapes and sizes, from extended "long-cast" models to short, wide-­diameter versions. The long-cast logic says line more easily flows off a narrow, shallow spool because the line encounters less friction from the spool lip. There's a downside, however; wrapping line — especially monofilament — in tight coils around a narrow spool can create line twist and memory problems.

Holding line in bigger loops means large-diameter spools cause less line twist and memory, but casting performance suffers as the spool gets depleted and line must overcome a "taller" lip. For this reason, it's important to keep reels topped off for better casting distance.
Pflueger's Arbor spinning reels feature an ­oversize, large-arbor spool. Recognizing that guides on a normal rod create considerable resistance when choking line that comes off the spool in wide loops — thus defeating the large spool's purpose — Pflueger ( developed the Large Arbor Guide Concept system for rods to match these reels. A yawning, reversed stripper guide reduces line buildup, and the other guides, also oversize, allow unimpeded casts.
Daiwa's ( Advanced Ballistic System spool design — available on Regal XiA, Saltiga SAZ and other models — incorporates a large-diameter, rearward-tapered arbor that helps prevent tangles while casting. The spool's generous inner diameter also affords space for larger drag washers.
Spool size matters after the cast too. "Comparing reels with the same gear ratio and different spool diameters, a bigger arbor yields a faster line pickup," says John Bretza, director of product development for Okuma (

Braid Ready

Reels like the Pflueger Supreme XT, Penn Conquer ( and Abu Garcia Soron SX ( tout braid-ready spools that have rubber strips on the arbor to keep superline from slipping.

Manufacturers must redesign the mechanics as well as the spool to achieve true compatibility with braided line. "The oscillation system is very important," says Bretza. "Slow oscillation stacks line smoothly on the spool but allows braid to cut into itself under heavy drag pressure. Speeding up the oscillation creates more of a crisscross pattern, which works better with braided line."

Putrajaya Wetland- lampam

a trip with ucop and wak tahir. i got the bigget fish between ucop and wak tahir but not bis enough 4 me to satisfy

Friday, May 13, 2011